

  • Magistra artium Italian philology and theatre studies LMU Munich
  • Superior Institute for translators and interpreters (“Sprachen- und Dolmetscherinstitut”), Munich;
    major language: Italian; specialisation: Law; minor language: English;
    graduation as state-certified, public nominated and sworn translator for the Italian language
  • Traineeship, editorial department dictionaries, compact Verlag, Munich
  • Seminars at ABP (Akademie der Bayerischen Presse), Munich:
    – Workshops “Travelogues”
    – Workshop “Short texts and titles for daily papers”
    – Workshops “Creative writing / PR texts”


Since 1997 I am working as a freelancer in the fields of translation, proofreading, quality assurance and editing.

  • Project work for online and print media
  • Extensive experiences in public relations
  • Experienced in editorial and production related workflows